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National mixed methods evaluation of the effects of removing legal barriers to full practice authority of Dutch nurse practitioners and physician assistants

Bruijn de-Geraets DP, Eijk van -Hustings YJL, Bessems-Beks MCM, Essers BAB, Dirksen CD, Vrijhoef HJM. National mixed methods evaluation of the effects of removing legal barriers to full practice authority of Dutch nurse practitioners and physician assistants. BMJ...

Taakherschikking en kostprijzen in de praktijk

Sinds 2012 mogen de physician assistant (PA) en de verpleegkundig specialist (VS) een aantal voorbehouden handelingen op het terrein van medisch specialistische zorg zelfstandig indiceren en uitvoeren. In 2015 zijn maatregelen getroffen om belemmeringen rondom...

Nurse practitioners’ focus on health care in terms of cure and care: analysis of graduate theses using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health

Stallinga HA, Jansen GJ, Kastermans MC, Pranger A, Dijkstra PU, Roodbal PF. Nurse practitioners’ focus on health care in terms of cure and care: analysis of graduate theses using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. J Adv Nurs. 2016...