17 februari 2012 | Eerste lijn
Wijers N, Schoonhoven L, Giesen PH, Vrijhoef HJ, van der Burgt R, Mintjes J, Wensing MJ, Laurant MG. The effectiveness of Nurse Practitioners working at a GP cooperative: a study protocol. BMC Fam Pract. 2012 Aug 7;13(1):75.
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Albers-Heitner PC, Lagro-Janssen TA, Venema PP, Berghmans BL, Winkens RR, de Jonge AA, Joore MM. Experiences and attitudes of nurse specialists in primary care regarding their role in care for patients with urinary incontinence. Scand J Caring Sci. 2011...
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Van Hezewijk M, Ranke GM, van Nes JG, Stiggelbout AM, de Bock GH, van de Velde CJ. Patients’ needs and preferences in routine follow-up for early breast cancer; an evaluation of the changing role of the nurse practitioner. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2011...
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